Friday, September 23, 2011

A new direction and a tribute to DJ Mehdi

So... I've been thinking, pondering, ruminating, contemplating... Well, actually not that much. I've just decided that I'm going to change my blog into a blog about house music, which I love dearly as some of you might have realised by now. I shall no longer tire your eyes with the wordy ramblings of my inner voice, but rather just please your weirdly shaped ears and highly developed temporal lobes with throbbing bass and thudding beats uncovered by yours truly in the jungle of house music and electronic music. Ah, simple bliss!

I would like to start off this "new" direction of my blog with a tribute to DJ Mehdi. A French DJ whose music I just got to know and love before he so tragically passed away after an accident. I am SO grateful and relieved that I got to see him perform live before he died (as I have written about here)

DJ Mehdi was signed to Ed Banger records who also houses several of France's and (in my inexperienced opinion) the world's most skillful DJ's and electronic artists. I have presented music videos by DJ Mehdi in previous regular "Friday music" blogposts. Here is yet another gem, "Pocket Piano"...

When I saw DJ Mehdi live he was one half of the DJ duo "Carte Blanche" which he formed with English DJ Riton. The accident which lead to DJ Mehdi's death happened while celebrating Riton's birthday. Riton posted to this beautiful tribute video to his blog. Rest in beats, Dj Mehdi. God wanted you at his party.


  1. I like the new direction this is heading but I'm gonna miss reading your "inner voice" as you put it.

  2. My "inner voice" is not easily silenced. It is bound to force itself into future blogpost, disguised as comments about music and whatnot. Music makes you think too, you know! :)
