Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Messing up my blog and exploring CPH

You'll have to forgive me if my blog is looking slightly schizophrenic nowadays, constantly and erratically changing appearance. I'm just playing around with some ideas for designs, but as I'm sure you can appreciate, I lack the web design/photoshop skills to get anywhere near a good design. It's actually making me laugh when I'm sat trying to edit and mix these photos into something that is supposed to be a blog design. I'm like a dog in front of a computer: enthusiastic, but NO idea what I'm doing (so by all means, feel free to drop me some hints and tips if you feel like). Ah well, all I can do is soldier on and keep on trying. Rome wasn't built in a day and all that... (Nor did Roman builders throw down their tools in frustration, going "Oh fuck this! I've no clue what I'm doing")

Aaanywho. SO! I've moved to Copenhagen, ja? It is "meget sjovt". This city is fucking awesome, no doubt about it. I'm currently just exploring and getting to know the city, living lazy and unemployed days. So what could be more fitting than to share with you some Danish house music? If you haven't heard about Trentemøller, well... Then you're out of touch, granddad! But seriously, though, you should check him out... I'll give you a couple of examples of his electronic artistry.

This track, "Moan" is off his first album "The Last Resort". This video, man... Manly tears.

Trentemøller is also a wizard when it comes to remixes. This is one I stumbled across on the Hype Machine and I instantly loved it. Check it out for yourselves.

1 comment:

  1. hei og hopp:) forferdelig skrift, vondt å lese. Et tips er å gå inn på der ligger mange maler som du kan laste ned å legge inn i html redigeringen. Hvis du trenger hjelp så bare skrik ut :) kjekt å lese bloggen din, men var litt vanskelig i dag :) Kjekt ¨å få inn litt input på ny musikk som eg ikje har hørt, trenger det absolutt!
